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2024 Turkey Trot

November 27th - 28th, 2024
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What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthday *

A valid date as MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 11/30/2015)
Mobile Phone *
What is your t-shirt size? *


Volunteer Waiver Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot encourages volunteer participation by all who are interested. At the same time, the Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot has an obligation to provide a safe and secure environment for its guests, and also has a responsibility to be cautious in handling its assets. To that end, Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot reserves the right to conduct a criminal background check on any volunteer. A criminal conviction will not necessarily prevent an applicant from volunteering; consideration will be made on a case-by-case basis as to whether an individual with a record may serve as a volunteer.

Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot shall keep all information obtained from the criminal background check process strictly confidential, and this information will be used only as part of the volunteer placement process. Only appropriate personnel at Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot will have access to this information.

By clicking on "I agree" at the end of this registration form, you hereby consent and authorize the release of any criminal history records and information to Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot, and understand that your application may be rejected based on the results of your criminal history. You may request further information from the Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot in regards to the general guidelines that are used for volunteer approval and dismissal in the application process.



Volunteer at Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot assumes all risks, hazards and conditions encountered while

on Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot premises. Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot shall not be held responsible for any damage, loss of personal

property or expense incurred by Volunteer while performing any of his/her activities on the premises

while acting as a Volunteer.

Volunteer shall be responsible for, bear, relieve, indemnify, defend and hold Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot and its agents and

employees (the "Indemnitees") harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages,

liabilities, losses, cost and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and settlement costs,

arising directly or indirectly out of or resulting from or in connection with the Volunteer's activities

while on Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot premises, provided that any such claim, action, damage, liability, loss, cost or

expense does not arise out of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot or any of its

agents or employees.


I authorize Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot to record my image and voice (or that of my minor child named below) and give Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot

and all persons or entities acting pursuant to Up North Media Traverse City Turkey Trot permission or authority all rights to use the

recorded images and vocal recordings. I understand that said images and recordings will be used for

educational, advertising, and promotional purposes in all conventional and electronic media, and any

future media. I also authorize the use of any printed material in connection therewith. I understand

and agree that these images and recordings may be duplicated, distributed with or without charge,

and/or altered in any form or manner without future/further compensation or liability, in perpetuity.

Footer Cherry Blossoms
Ferris Wheel at Night
Footer Bay Side Crowd
Footer - Marching Band
Footer Diaper Derby